Time :11:45pm
Day : ?????
Date : ?????

Hi guys, this one is actually the one I forgot to write right away after watch it. :P . Well you know how when you ask your friend to watch movies there always a question of, "what movie should we watch?" kinda like asking your friend where to eat. Right? XD . So, since I don't want to be bias I go watch all new movies I can and write it for you guys to think it over if it's worth to watch or not. I will usually go alone if no one interested in the movie (no shame in that btw, it's quite refreshing actually :D) & considered that as my alone time, from the hectic and work.
So, lets jump into this movie. The Strangers, is another production from a movie with the same name before. If you can remember, if you can't just google it right now. If you are too lazy, click this then The Strangers. This new movie is about a family that need to move out into a trailer house to send their youngest child into a boarding school. There, meet three strangers that hunt them down without any reason at all. Let me tell you now, I am not easily scared by current ghost or horror movies because they always use the same jump scare tactics. However, this one send chill to my spine. It is really a generic like the first movie, but the setting though would makes you uncomfortable sitting on your seat.

It is not helping that when I enter the cinema hall, the attendant leave the hall dark not like usual. You know, usually they put the light on at the beginning. It is also not super helpful that it was 11:45 pm and apart from me there are only 2-3 more people inside the cinema that all sitting behind my seat row. These might add to the factors that I found the movie quite scary. Well lets look at the actors, the father and mother played by Martin Henderson (Mike)& Christina Hendricks (Cindy_that at first I thought is Sandra Bullock) respectively. While the son and daughter is Lewis Pullman (Luke) & Bailee Madison (Kinsey). Kinsey is the one with the problem and sent to boarding school. She and Luke seems like they hated each other when the movie start. It all started when they arrive at the trailer park in the middle of the night and a knock heard on their door. A girl standing in front of their door and asking for Tamara, which they thought the girl got a wrong trailer.
This is where it start to get creepy, because the whole trailer park seems like abandoned and there, a girl knocking on your door then walk away in the middle of the night, in the middle of no where. No need to hold your breath for spoiler because I think you already know there will be some victims here. The first kill remind me of Red John in The Mentalist with the smiley face on the mirror. :) . Well, two of them got killed while the other two continue to fight the strangers and survive with a permanent trauma in their life. The run and chase is truly get to you if you could imagine being in the victims shoes. It's so terrifying. What truly scary and mess up is that the three strangers are just three people without any connection to the victims. They just do it for fun. The Man in The Mask, The DollFace and The Pin-Up Girl. These three strangers with the wicked taste in mask just show up and kill anyone that happen to be there.
I don't want to explain a lot on the storyline because it doesn't matter in this movie. it only about a family being hunted by three strangers. No plot twist, no 'he's the real killer' scene, there's only a question of where these strangers come from and what is their real face looks like. Although you could see the DollFace real face right before she was shot to death, it doesn't matter because she's a freaking stranger that you just don't know who and why she doing this. Which a question that surely playing on the victims mind.
Ok, that's it from me, you not gonna get anymore spoiler like usual. You just have to watch this one by yourself. Although I do recommend do not watch alone and do not take midnight session if you are a chicken. XD . I have to walk out alone in the mall after the movie end around 1 am when I went watching this. I kept looking over my shoulder the hold time and have to convince myself my Grab driver isn't that kind of stranger. What a night! Hahahah. All in all, Ibrahim Khaziq not approve or disapprove The Strangers : Prey at Night. You just has to watch and decide for yourself. :) (Not helpful, I know).
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