Watched IMAX!!!
Time :2:00 pm
Day : Thursday
Date : 12 April 2018

Hiya folks. Dwayne Rock Johnson is coming again to the screen, with Rampage. After Jumanji, the guy come out to play with animal again. This time with George (not the jungle) the white gorilla. Rampage is out today, and I will share with you a little bit about the movie. The movie is about an attempt of creating biological weapon gone wrong (though if it gone right, it'll still be wrong). Rock playing as a primatologist named Davis Okoye (He also an ex-army) that save animals from poachers. His best buddy is George the albino gorilla. The movie is quite generic, like San Andrea but with cool action to support it. It all start with a space station blow up and send three canisters filled with pathogen flying back to the earth.
The pathogen then infected three animal nearby and change them inside out. They grow rapidly and change into animal with combined genetic traits. The animal are, George, the gorilla, Ralph the Wolf and a big ass crocodile. These three are the main reasons viewer would want to watch this movie in my opinion. Who doesn't love watching big animals rampaging through the city, right? :P . Later we found Dr.Kate Caldwell (Naomie Harris) is the one creating the pathogen, and she join Davis to put a stop to the rampage.

However, don't think the big animals is their only enemy, the real monster here is Claire Wyden(Malin Akerman) and her brother, the faces behind the biological weapon. She really is a cold bast**d and if the director care to twist the plot a bit, she really could shine even more, in term of evil maniac that is. The storyline is basically, Rock and a couple of his new friends trying to get an antidote to cure all three animals before they wreck havoc in Chicago city. My guess is, you would find, the big gorilla is quite alright cause, hey, everyone watched King Kong right? While the big wolf is quite cool, I mean wolf is already a cool creature, when they become bigger naturally the coolness increase too. XD

What truly terrifying is the big crocodile. It really looks scary and it is the one would get the scenes more and more intense till the fight scene between the crocodile with George. It makes viewer think how would that thing could be put down for good. I will not describe all the fight scene because it is all the movies has to stay interesting enough so you will go watch it. Apart from fight scenes, there are also a number of funny moment when George show its twisted sense of humor at the start and the end of the movie. While the sad scene, isn't gonna make you cry but only feel a little frustrated.
Another character that pique my interest is Harvey Russell (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). His cowboy-ish style and accent is quite interesting to watch. He also just stay cool and steady till the end while everyone running around trying to save a city from three big monsters. If I am not mistaken the actor played as John Winchester in Supernatural series, now in that, I hate the guy but in this movie he's cool.

Before I end this, I want to point out some of the things that makes me wonder. While the wolf and crocodile underwent huge changes in their body apart of being bigger, George doesn't, and no one in the movie point that out. Second, the fact that Davis still can go running around after being shot by Claire, but i think this could be forgiven. The guy is The Rock after all, you would expect him to get up even after hit by a truck. Third like I said earlier, Claire the evil mastermind could do so much more to make sure her plan works. She got the time and the means to stop and use the animal to do her bidding but I guess she just a stup*d evil woman at the end. :P
Well, nothing more to say about this movies. I guess I'll put it like this, if you'd like to see a big ass gorilla, wolf and crocodile destroying a city and kill a bunch of people, then by all means, go watch the movie. If you settle by just watching the trailer then don't. I feel like I am not being helpful again, but who cares, huh?
All in all, Rampage is neither approved or disapproved by Ibrahim Khaziq! Toodles!.
Great cast but its another mindless, heartless giant monster flick destroying the city and trampling everyone. I wonder why the latest Godzilla movie got a bad rap but glorified B-movies like this and Kong Skull Island gets applauded. The monsters are obvious cgi hiding behind dense action sequences, the evil corporate guys are stereotypes from other monster, sci-fi movies we have seen a thousand times before and the military OF COURSE are worthless fodder. > Reviews Rampage 2018 Tiny humvees closing in on very fast gigantic animals firing their machineguns knowing previously how that worked out, Apache helicopters firing at close range at a giant wolf's face with his worthless cannon instead of using guided rockets from a distance, and soldiers go out of their way to be squished like bugs (ala Kong Skull Island style). Its that kind of thing you would see a child playing in his sandbox and destroying his toys. I would have understood if it was a child that made this movie.
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Got to agree with you there. Movies these day too depending on CGI that nothing would surprise audiences anymore. They should focus more on storyline, plot twist and stuff along that line.