Time :7:45 pm
Day : Thursday
Date : 8 August 2018

Assalamualaikum and hi guys...I've been quiet for the past 2-3 months it seems. It's not like I need time to think about something. It's just I have not watched any movies since then. The last movie I watched was Deadpool 2. It was 2 days before Ramadhan. I
would like to write a review about it but I guess it is not appropriate to do so. You know, since they have a lot of censored/dark jokes. :P
Some people may like them but some might don't. Furthermore I need to focus on fasting at that time. :) . No matter about that, I'm back now. Watching and writing. I think this movie I'm about to review is one of the reason I got to write again here. Got me inspired again, to write that is. It is just that my procrastination habit is hard to beat sometimes. Hahahaha
Okay, done with catching up, now unto the movie please. Pulang, As you could guess,from my previous reviews, that do not has even one Malay movie review yet. That is because I am not a fan. After a movie called 'KIL', Pulang is the second Malay movie I watched in the cinema. I am not here to talk about that though, lets just review the movie ya? :)
First of all the Cinematography is not like any other Malay movie so far. They use quiet a lot of green screens and a lot of props it seems. The scenery was breathtaking. It was like you watch a world in your imagination come to life. I'm not giving more credit than it deserve, believe me. You need to be there to feel it kinda thing. :)
Second, the story line. It was plotted so good that you will never get bored with it. Well yeah it has romance scene like any other typical Malay movie but the director(Kabir Bhatia) doesn't indulge you in it too much you see. They showed it quickly and move to the first hurdle the characters need to face in one quick motion. Oh, I should introduce you the characters first I guess. :P

The main character is Othman (Remy Ishak) and Cik Thom(Puteri Aishah). They fall in love at the first sight and it was well put by the director. I feel giddy inside watching it. (Yeah I'm a human too, you know). Then like I said, they don't waste time on that, the couple got married and have a son name Omar(Azrel Ismail). There is also Othman's best friend name Lum(Alvin Wong). These four is the main protagonist in the movie. Continue on the story line, the writers(Mira Mustaffa and Ahmad Izham Omar) is too great at telling the stories to the audience. They packed a lot of situation and scenes into one plot of story but not too overwhelming. Throughout the movie you will see a love story, fight scenes (has a kung fu vibe in it, at least I feel like that), Titanic kinda scenes (I'm gonna let you guess which one is it when you watch it), suspense scenes, mystery plot and a lot of family values.
Third, the set up of the movie is refreshing. It was 1940s, so the background, the clothing and the way of speaking is totally different from us Malays right now. Some of the characters is so good at bringing that values out. Especially the actress playing Cik Thom. Lets just say you can quote lots of what the characters said in the movies. :P . The actors also have done a good job at making the audience to feel emotional and having empathy towards the characters. The song helps too...

However, even the CGI effect is quite great, they could still improve some of it on the 'storm at the sea' scene and a lot more for 'the fire on the ship' scene. Remy Ishak also could improve some of the acting in the CGI background (Sorry Mr Remy sir, :P , just saying what's on my mind while watching the movie). I do enjoy the friendship between Othman and Lum though. They make it believable and you could feel the value of friendship that will never ceased through time. It also brings me joy to see that they have the sense on tiny details as to match the young character and old character's actor. Especially, Omar character. You could see the resemblance from he was young to becoming a young man and finally an old man.
I don't want to write on the story line so much since I want you, the ones that still not watch it, to enjoy them. The main story line will makes you wonder and wonder and wonder why it happen. Why Othman doing this. I'll be honest that it caught me off guard when the ending present itself. You thirst for the answer and when you got it, well you might gonna have some teary eyes.....or a lot. Hahahaha (Don't forget to bring a tissue then). As for the stubborn one like me, well you might not crying (need to control your macho right?) but you'll definitely feel frustrated by it. Let just say it gonna touch your heart a little, or grab your heart in whole. Who knows huh?
All I can say, kudos to the director, writers, and actors in this film and I hope the other future Malay cinematic experience will improved a bunch like this one. I heard that in the first week they collect 1 Million already and the second week even more. Congrats! Go watch it guys! You will not regret it, I can assure you by giving a Ibrahim Khaziq approve on this one. :) . Toodles!